Color Skins

Case Study
Transforming Logistics Management with Centralized Control

Transporter with own fleet and leased vehicles


Decentralized operations, manual processes, and limited visibility across geographically dispersed branches. Disruptions due to Covid-19 restrictions further hampered efficiency.


Our custom-built application for transportation management


Doubled returns during Covid-19

The application empowered the client to adapt and thrive despite pandemic limitations.

Centralized Control

Consolidated accounting, transportation management, and client interactions into a single platform.

Pre-Application Challenges

Decentralized Operations

Each branch managed accounting, transportation, and clients independently, making it difficult to track overall performance and resource allocation.

Manual Processes

Reliant on paper records and spreadsheets, leading to errors, delays, and limited data analysis

Limited Visibility

 Lack of a centralized system made it difficult to monitor vehicle utilization, driver performance, and client satisfaction across India.

Covid-19 Impact

Restrictions on movement and personnel shortages further hampered operational efficiency.

How the Application Helped

Centralized Dashboard

Provided a real-time view of all ongoing and completed deliveries across branches, enabling better decision-making.

Improved Resource Management

Optimized vehicle allocation based on location, capacity, and driver availability

Streamlined Accounting

Invoicing, expense tracking, and reconciliation, saving time and reducing errors.

Enhanced Branch Communication

Improved communication channels with branches through the application.

Remote Work Capability

Facilitated remote branch management and minimized disruption during Covid restrictions.

Impact of Centralized Control

Increased Efficiency

Streamlined workflows and automation saved time and resources, allowing the client to handle double the volume (500 vehicles per day) during Covid-19 restrictions!

Improved Decision-Making

Real-time data insights enabled strategic planning and resource allocation for optimal performance

Enhanced Scalability

The centralized system simplifies future expansion and accommodates growth in operations.

Team work
Team work